Environmental Health & Safety Sample Resume



What Does Your Resume Say About You?

Health and safety professionals are responsible for the management of all aspects of occupational health and safety, workers compensation, and environmental compliance activities (among other crucial responsibilities). How does your resume read? Don't leave your career up to chance. After reviewing my sample health and safety resume, contact me for additional information regarding my resume service. If you haven't done so already, take a look at my resume writing credentials as an online resume writer that include my certifications in three areas of the job search, including resume writing, interview coaching, and career coaching.

Environmental Health & Safety Strategy

Let's take a look at this specific Environmental Health and Safety resume sample and the strategy I used to ensure it made it to the "yes" pile. During the consultation with my client we discussed the qualities the introduction of the resume should highlight. Based on her background and what she brings to the table, we decided time and cost avoidance, quality control, and relationship building were the professional strengths that make her standout from the competition.

In addition, I included a keyword section so that resume scanners will be able to pick up words that were in the job posting Loraine provided. This is important because resumes have to be written for computer and human eyes. In the Professional Experience section of this Environmental Health and Safety resume example, I also included core competencies and fleshed out each with an accomplishment. This adds substance to the resume and allows the reader to quickly scan the resume and pickup professional strengths that interest them the most.

Since Loraine worked for companies that have impressive annual sales, I included that information to give the reader a feel for the type of employer who hired her in the past. A company with strong sales and / or a good reputation also bolsters the candidate’s value in the eye of the interviewer. So if you have experience working for an employer with a solid track record, make sure to highlight that information on the resume because their good standing as a corporate citizen rubs off on your credentials as well.

Only page one of this resume is visible. Copyrighted. Do Not Copy. health and safety resume sample

Ways to Contact Me
Linda Matias, NCRW, CIC, JCTC
Nationally Certified Resume Writer
Phone: (631) 403-2158
Email Resume: linda@careerstrides.com

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Interviewers make a snap judgment on your qualifications the moment their eyes land on your resume.

What does your resume say about you?

Tel. (631) 403-2158